Vrije Markt Zendelingen
In haar nieuwste boek Free Market Missionaries beschrijft
Sharon Beder de krachten achter de privatisering van de sociale zekerheid. Met
name de pensioenfondsen worden 'de markt' opgegooid zonder dat daar echt
noodzaak voor is. Het idee erachter is van elke burger een met de anderen concurrerende
kapitalist te maken.
Social Security and Turning Citizens into Capitalists
from Free Market Missionaries by Sharon Beder
George W. Bush has pledged 'to add a private, market-based component to
retirement security through "personal retirement accounts".' The idea
is for a portion of the payroll taxes that are used to pay for Social Security
to be diverted into private investment accounts that will grow according to the
value of the shares, property or bank accounts it is invested in. In this way
the money available to people when they retire will be based on the market
growth of their investment, which advocates say will be more than they would
receive through Social Security. Since these taxes are currently used to fund
present day retirees, the government has to borrow trillions of dollars to pay
for the scheme over ten years.
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